Mama's best advice:Healing Words of Wisdom

Healing,, Hope and Happiness

Scars – A Testimony of Healing

A scar is a sign that healing has taken place.

Everyone doesn’t get through life without blemish.  There are many who will have at least one battle wound, and left behind the scar, a sign of an injury but more importantly, a sign of repair, recovery and healing. There are also those who have no visible sign of their injury because the evidence of scarring is embedded on their hearts or minds  — all battle stamps of life’s most difficult challenges.

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If scars could talk they may tell a story of tears, pain, hurt, secrets and anguish, but at the end of the story, scars can speak to victory and healing. Some scars are quite large and some quite gruesome but the beauty in a scar is when it is the evidence of victory and healing. Every scar can have a testimony,  at the core of the testimony is when the scar is exposed, you have the strength to look yourself or others in the eye and have no fear or shame.

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A Scar is a Symbol of Repair, Recovery, Healing

By: Wandra Najat-Felecia Chenault,MSW

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Mama Sez Wisdom .™️

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